特点: ●采用国际*光学**镜头,清晰度高,探头分辨率为2048*1,能识别出细微的色差并加以区分。 ●自适应调节工作温度,**选料机在高温环境下也能正常工作。 ●采用高速并行的数据处理芯片,实施*的图像采集与处理系统,大大提高了选料机的分选效果。 ●配置特别光源,**了高清晰的图像质量,可满足200种颜色分选,能识别木材颜色细微变化。 ●采用先进的双轴气缸和高频电池阀,持久**,使用寿命长。 Features: The resolving power of world-class optical lens can achieve 2048*1. High quality optical source, which can guarantee the high-definition photos can be took from the camera, is equipped in Color-Treat. This machine can treat up to 200 different colors change from the board. The central system can adjust its working parameters according to variation environment temperature. So Color-Treat can work steadily in a boarder range of temperature. High-speed parallel data processing chip of this machine can greatly improve the effect of treating color